A termite inspection is a necessary maintenance program that all homes should have at least every 12 months even if a termite treatment has been carried out. Your qualified inspector will inspect your property following the Australian Standards Guidelines and provide you with a written report focusing on areas that are conducive for termite attack, report on termite activity and damage if found and maintenance that is required to help reduce the risk of termite infestation into your home or building.
Moisture Meters and Thermal Imaging technology is made available on all of our timber pest inspections, while this technology may not always detect active termite on the day of the inspection, we have found this equipment a valuable tool when locating concealed termite activity and moisture problems that may lead to termite attack.
The digital photos inserted in our reports are a visual aid designed to assist with understanding comments made and locations of these areas in the building or on the property.
We do also specialise in a variety of termite treatments including preventative treatment programs.